Hello, Steve! Here you will find all the links you need to do this class with me!
Meeting 1: Absolute and Relative Numbers
Discuss handout. Let’s look at some Honey Bee Data.
Discuss Chicago Tribune article on homicide.
Get familiar with the NYTimes: What's Going On In This Graph?
Teach handout on Percent Of Problems
Meeting 2: Percentage Of
Discuss initial handout on Percent Of Problems
Work with related data
Check in to What's Going On In This Graph?
Meeting 3: Percentage Change/Difference
Discuss handout on Percentage Change/Difference
Work with related data
Excel Practice: Open Population by Race from 1980 to 2000
and do the problems listed at the bottom of the data.
Watch my video for help if you need it.Check in to What's Going On In This Graph?
Meeting 4: Graphing (we might take an extra week on this)
Discuss handout on Graphing
Work with related data and make graphs!
Graphing Assignment February 15; Pay Gap Assignment; Making an Argument Assignment
Check in to What's Going On In This Graph?
Meeting 5: Linear Models
Discuss Tipping Point and related set of questions.
Work with related data and make and use models.
Teach and give handout on Exponential Models
Check in to What's Going On In This Graph?
Meeting 6: Exponential Models
Discuss handout on Exponential Models
Work with related data and make and use models.
Teach and give handout on Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Check in to What's Going On In This Graph?
Meeting 7: Consumer Price Index (CPI)
Discuss handout on CPI
Work with related data.
Teach and give handout on Optional Topics
Check in to What's Going On In This Graph?
Meeting 8: Optional Topics (Savings and Loans, Correlation, …)
Discuss handout on __________ .
Work with related data.
Start discussing final project.
Check in to What's Going On In This Graph?
Ongoing Meetings
We will keep on working together as you research and write a final paper on the topic of your choosing. The goal will be a feature-length newspaper or magazine article complete with many graphs, quantitative analysis, and a lovely essay.
Data we might consider: