The Boy Who Dreamed of Infinity
Candlewick Press, April 14, 2020

Art residency program at St. Gregory the GreaT
Andersonville, Chicago

90 Second Newbery Films
a TINY collaboration with my children

The Grave-Merry Girls
recipient of the Annie Dillard Award for Creative NonFicTion
"and in a vision I have seen my brothers playing on the green ..." ~ Edwin Muir

Why a Peacock?
a gallery from my research trip to Andalusia

Reading Lips
the title poem for an anthology about disability
public domain photo of Helen Keller reading Mrs. Calvin Coolidge's lips

Why an Elephant?
A gallery of elephants and BOoks

Teaching Math at Northwestern
a collaboration with my students

The Prairie Wind
managing editor of the SCBWI-Il publication

Research in India
a gallery of my trip to the Tamil Nadu